this belly has seemed to pop!
the changes in my appearance from week 17 to week 18 have been significant
and im okay with this now...i don't look like i've been hanging out with ben and jerry too much;
rather i think i am looking more like, "oh she is pregnant"
which is nice.
the past 6-8 weeks have been rough with the pudgy stage.

I can at times feel Little Pip making some movements, still ever so slight.
I am still wearing all my normal clothes, they are just filled out a little bit more.
My higher waisted work pants, clearly don't fit;
but most of my lower riding jeans still work out! Which is nice!
I am trying to hold off on maternity clothing as long as possible!
I have been incredibly hungry and more tired this week than I have in the past month.
I have had a lingering sore throat this weekend, which makes me nervous, as last time I got a sore throat it lead to a horrible cold that took me out of commission for far too long.
So today, I haven't left the house; DB offered to take a friend to the DMB concert tonight so I could stay home and sleep/rest....so thankful for that.
I need an 8th day in my week to just sleep...truly i do.
I got new running shoes this week :)

Next weekend, DB and I are running/walking our first ever 5k together!
Its funny how we both have races under our belts, yet never have done one together...im looking forward to it!
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