Unsure really; but so glad we had the opportunity to run together today.
It was really fun.

My last race was in June of this year; and it all comes back to you when you're lining up with so many others challenging themselves, pushing themselves, the energy--its crazy contagious!

Made me remember one of the things I love about running...i love the training, i love the quite peaceful miles logged just with myself; but I love the ability to be apart of an event with others.

I can't remember the last time I ran a 5k, maybe the shamrock shuffle in 2001 when I was college?
What amazes me; 5k's are stinking fast.
I couldn't believe it took us 30 minutes; and we were done.

This past year, my half marathon warm up's have been 3 miles; and thats when I'd fall into my pace, find my groove and settle in for the next 10 miles.
Not today; it was a quick little run with DB by my side the whole time; it was awesome!

We decided next year; we're doing it again with Pip in a stroller.
(its an out and back route, all flat, tons of families and strollers!)
Most likely we'll be doing the 10k; as we probably could have done that today; but we didn't know how I'd do with Pip adding pressure and weight to my mid section;
honestly; I felt really good, I felt strong, I took it slow, didn't push myself, couldn't tell you my mile by mile pace; accidentally left my watch at home... it was great!

It was nice to get a run in again, and Im looking forward to the next one:)

This picture makes me laugh...really!? are you that tired?! i don't buy it.

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