38 weeks pregnant (14 days till due date!)
i am feeling good...loving this new ability to breathe now that Pip has dropped; its quite nice.
the pressure and the weight of my belly has increased, but thats to be expected

the best part of pregnancy, the movements, his jabs and his rythym.
i love it.
i may or may not be having braxton hicks, pre labor contractions.
there are times when my abdomen is incredibly tight, which feels like an awesome ab workout
but honestly, nothing cramping or painful enough to stop me from doing whatever i might be doing.
the challenges with this stage of pregnancy;
bending over, picking things up from the floor, getting comfortable in any position other than standing
(sitting and/or sleeping; not so comfortable)
DB has shared that i snore louder than i ever have before; but its probably due to pregnancy congestion;
thanks to the mad increase of blood in my system,
(its estimated that by this stage of pregnancy, most women have gained 9 pounds of blood)
thats a lot of blood!
oh hey...look who installed the car seat :)
today was my last day of work....for the next 24ish weeks...
walking out was surreal, knowing that i won't be going back for a really long time
but also knowing that my store is going to be just fine,
i had an incredible peace knowing
that it is all going to be okay.
the workaholic--controlling--one who thinks about work all the time--part of me
felt confident with the turnover and the way everything wrapped up;
and for that i am incredibly thankful.
my hope going forward is that i can find a healthy mental and emotional place to compartmentalize work and appropriately step away, not think about it all the time and not worry about it all the time...but rather trust in the work i have done and know that it'll all be okay, and it'll be there when i return after my leave.
with that, starting tomorrow....life is going to start to look a whole lot different!
im not sure when reality will sink in, but i am thankful for "this time"
(unsure...of how much time I have till Pip arrives)
but with my "time" until he arrives, I plan on resting, not setting an alarm to wake up to,
cleaning, organizing, working out, going to a movie by myself, mani/pedi, dry bar,
storing all my dress code clothes somewhere other than my closet!
getting mentally, emotionally, physically as ready as i can for this life change that is about to happen.
DB...had a very exciting week...passing his license exam!

its been a long, not so easy process of both preparation and patience....and he did it!
this evening...before going out to dinner to celebrate both
maternity leave and passing of the license exam
(38.5 weeks...10 days till due date)