as i write on this sunday evening (while DB is making dinner!!) we are at 19 days to go!

can this belly get any bigger!?
its out of control...these past 2-3 weeks, I think i've doubled my girth.
maybe it means Pip wants to come out sooner than the predicted date of his arrival!
i'd be a-okay with that.
highlights of this stage of pregnancy still remain feeling him move, kick and groove.
he is active, very active.
i am supposed to be completing a "kick count" chart each day; but honestly i haven't made that a priority in conjunction with the fact that he moves all the time.
he wakes me up, he prevents me from falling asleep.
we have another doctors appointment this upcoming week,
with all my blood work being completed on tuesday, so we can "create a plan" on wednesday;
thats what my doctor said
i am unsure what this plan might be...
but i am hoping it'll include an increase of platelets due to the mass amounts of spinach, kale, vitamins and everything else healthy i've been focusing on consuming this week....and the fact that my cold/cough is gone; i am feeling much better overall!
i am also hoping with this anticipated increase in platelets i am allowed t continue in my journey towards an all natural birth; coupled with safety and health for both Pip and myself.
this past weekend...
the parents were in town, visiting my sister; but i hopped in on a morning walk, with coffee and bagels

i made it to the felt so good!
i do get some funny looks, but i pretend not to notice:)

happy january 20th....let the count down to february 8th (or sooner! or later) continue!

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