and it worked.

this week i am at 108...which is great!
and we will retest again next week to ensure it all remains stable.
with my increase of greens, and overall feeling better i've been back in the gym with more energy than i've had in a sure it helps that i am working less too:)

ohmygoodness, it feels great to be working out....lovelovelove it.
(today i did 20 min stairs, 30 min bike and some weights)
at my doctors appointment today, i measured a little smaller than last week, as Pip has dropped!
which means, he is preparing for his arrival!
i had a dream last night my water was going to break when i got out of bed this morning;
it didn't happen. (obviously, i wouldn't be writing if i were laboring and having a baby!)
i think i lost 40 minutes of sleep creating lists of things that we need to accomplish ASAP just in case my water does break and labor begins.
car seat, needs to be put into the car
bags (his and hers and little his), need to be fully packed (they are in progress)
camera battery, needs to be charged
camera lenses, need to get packed
phone chargers, need to get packed
clothes to wear home from the hospital, need to be figured out
(i have no idea what to wear, and/or what will fit, or what i will want to wear. jeans? yoga pants?)
thank you cards need to be put into the mail
all leave and disability forms need to get faxed to their respective places
i have 4 more work days...and then official maternity leave begins!!
this whole process has gone by so fast, and taking time off from work...
its going to be a transition, to say the least.
the most time i've taken off work (since i was 17) was the 3 weeks i took off for our wedding and honeymoon,
and that was 4.5 years ago.
we shall see how i react to not working, and how i am challenged and how i change.
i believe its all going good. really good.
can't wait to meet our little one.
he can arrive tomorrow, and i'd be one happy mom!
or he can arrive next week, and i'd be happy too.
if he decides to remain cozy and warm past the proposed due date,
i am going to have to find a lot of things to do while i wait!
DO NOT PACK JEANS. Yoga pants, spandex, anything but jeans. That is all I have to say on the matter.
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