36 weeks down...28 days till Due Date.
So incredibly hard to believe how fast this time has flown by!
I am ready.
I am ready to meet this little man.
I am ready to be able to bend over, touch my toes, roll over from side to side, get out of the couch without having to grunt and rock myself to gain momentum to get up-and-out-of-the deep-couch-that-wants-to-take-me-captive.
I am ready to run again.
I am ready to be more mobile than I am today.
I am ready to wear my other clothes.
I am ready to walk up a hill without loosing my breath.
I am ready for life without heartburn. (which means i can eat tomatoes again!)
DB and I are on the cusp of change
A change in which we don't really know what to expect, or how life will look or what our greatest challenges will be, or what we wish we had known....
its all been new, up to this point; and it'll only continue to be new going forward.
We are going to be PARENTS....which is WILD.
I have 2ish more weeks of work, then I am taking 7 days off prior to the due date; I imagine during that time I'll get antsy and possibly impatient; I am already working on my to-do list for each of those days as to keep myself busy and productive; yet relaxed and rested.
I do often wonder, will Pip be on time, will he be late?
How will my body let me know that his arrival is imminent?
Labor begins differently for everyone, and soon I'll know what my body does to begin its laboring process.
I do often wonder, what will he look like?
Will be have hair?
How much will he weigh?
Will he have blue or brown eyes?
Will he be tall, long, or short, thick?
Will he have almond shaped or round eyes?
I do often wonder, is he healthy?
All signs point to YES he is healthy, and I trust in that; but there is still part of me that wants to see him just to make sure he is okay.
He does move A LOT, which is a good sign; and thats one thing I know I will miss about being pregnant is his constant kicking and moving; reminding me of the life that is growing inside of me.
It truly is miraculous.
It truly is incredibly challenging to fully comprehend the magnitude of the miracle of life.
In all honesty, I am ready for him to enter into this world, so we can start to get to know him.
Until then, I will try to be patient, keep myself moving, healthy and get rest when I can:)
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