not much longer and this little guy is going to make his appearance!:)
with the holidays behind us, and the new year upon us... i can now say, we are ready.
he can come out and play now.

i do have many things to wrap up at work, and a departure date to set up...
all of which i will do this week
but im still ready to meet him....
what is he going to look like?
how is he going to act?
what are his preferences?
all questions, i'll be able to answer soon!
we have had 3 baby showers in the past 4 weeks, and have been incredibly spoiled with too much generosity.

its really overwhelming how much we have been gifted, truly we are spoiled.
pips bedroom is much more organized and ready than its ever been, thanks to my mom who came to sort, fold and organize all the little baby clothes by size; and then put them all into the dresser:)
the crib mattress arrived this week, the sheets are on and blankets are draped over the edge.
(not that he will be sleeping in there day 1, but still, it looks great!)
we completed the hospital tour this past weekend...on the way to the hospital DB asked,
"can we stop for a burger on the way?"

we shall see if thats what he asks for when we head down to the hospital for the real thing:)
It's getting SO close!!!! So excited for you to meet your little guy and finally get to hold him in your arms and squeeze his little checks!
@lindseyolsen thank you so much!! hoping to meet our little One sooner rather than later:)
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