In addition from Thanksgiving to New much to document and recap.
Growing up, one of my favorite meals was the "smorgasbord"; a compalation of whatever was around, a little bit of everything; I liked it due to the variety.
maybe the title of my post tonight should be "my smorgasbord recap"
thanksgiving golfing tradition

31 weeks pregnant

32 weeks pregnant

33 weeks pregnant

christmas day belly shot
(33.5 weeks pregnant)

reflections of weeks 31-33 of pregnancy
--i have enjoyed feeling Pip move a ton, even when he wakes me up
--DB is able to make him go back to sleep/calming down (sometimes) by simply putting his hand on my belly
--its crazy seeing my shirt move as Pip works on his mad acrobatic skills
--my organs/stomach/bladder are feeling a bit more squished/challenged for space
--my stomach looks and feels bigger everyday...which is crazy!
--my skin is extra tight, but thanks to palmers cocoa butter, it stays hydrated
--my belly button might just pop out afterall, maybe next week (week 35)
--if i bend over after eating, its incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes makes me throw up
--if Pip kicks.moves a lot after I eat, such movement makes me throw up
--bending over to pick stuff up off the ground, is incredibly hard.
--when i drop things i often times don't want to pick them up, cause its a lot of work
--walking up a few hills from my store to my car makes me breathe really heavy
--i feel extra tired sometimes
baby showers
in the month of december, we were blessed and spoiled with 2 baby showers
hosted by people we love and people who love us
my friend katie took this picture of us at one of the showers

christmas day engagement photo shoot
DB's brother and fiance (my new SIL!)
DB and I took photos for them, and it was incredibly fun...6 months till wedding time!

post christmas family time at the lodge
my parents hosted 20 of us for a post holiday get together in the snow.

it was lovely to be away for a few days, even though i am not a huge fan of the freezing cold weather
i did host cookie decorating with the littles, and that was fun

db, dad and i went into the quaint little town one afternoon to hang out

and now....into 2013
this past year has flown by!!
we have 5 weeks till due date
i'll be working a few more get everything ready before I take off to hang out with Pip
--the crib and dresser have been assembled
--we bought a pack of diapers and wipes
--we have miniature clothing that'll be worn by our little man
(seriously... newborn clothes are tiny)
--the crib mattress has been ordered and is en route, thanks fed ex
--the car seat still needs to be installed into the car, and our bags still need to get packed
all in all, we are getting ready.....and very much excited!
So close! Can't believe it! Umm... Buy more diapers. One pack will last you like 4 days... Remember that diaper cake you made for us? Lasted maybe a week... Those babies are pooping machines. Just sayin. Xoxo!
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